Saturday, November 26, 2011

Know everything about:Albus Dumbledore

Who never heard about the famous Albus Dumbledore? The wise bearded old man... No? Albus Dumbledore is the most famous head-master of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts, known by his intelligence, his patience, his kindness, his sagacity, and, mainly, his love. Beyond his capacity of seeing the best of the people! He was created in Godric's Hollow, the same place that Lílian and Tiago Potter ( Harry's parents) lived and died. He had a big friendship with Grindelwald on his childhood and his adolescence. Rita Skeeter (famous jornalist) wrote a book about him, named Life and lies of Albus Dumbledore, that actually, can be quite interesting, but it isn't very real. He was murdered on the 6 year of Harry, by Severus Snape. Many think that Snape is a bad guy because of this, but it was the own Dumbledore that told him to kill him. He already was indicated some times to be the Minister of Magic, but he refused all of them.


Full name:  Albus Percival Wulfrico Brian Dumbledore
Birth:  21 of August, 1881
Hair:  White and long, like the beard
Eyes:  Light Blue
Blood:  Pure


School:  School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts
House:  Gryffindor
Best Subject:  Transfiguration and Spells
Worst Subject:  Not Known
Graduated in:  Not known


Best Friends:  Eliphas Doge, Batilda Bagshot, Gerard Grindelwald
Friends:  Griselda Marchbanks and Nicolau Flamel
Girlfriend:  I'm sorry to say this, but his gay
Dad:  Percival Dumbledore
Mother:  Kendra Dumbledore
Brothers:  Ariana Dumbledore and Aberforth Dumbledore (know more about them here)


Organizations: Order of the Phoenix
Talent: Legilimency and see the person's inner beauty, even if it's well hidden
Patronus: Phoenix
Pet: Fawkes, a phoenix


Know you know a little bit more about Albus Dumbledore!

Below a photo of the book Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.

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