Saturday, November 26, 2011

More informations about: Hogsmeade

Who never dreamed in visit Hogsmeade? Who never dreamed in stay on the snow while talking to your wizard friends in Hogsmeade? Who never dreamed in check in in a hotel and buy things in Hogsmeade?

Hogsmeade is a village of only wizards that stays next to Hogwarts, were there are a lot of places to eat, to buy presents, candies, achievements, schoolar materials, clothes and other things.  

The students of Hogwarts from the 3th year to the 7th year you have permission to go to the village from time to time ( currently some days before commemorative partys, special dates and holidays) that are determined by the teachers and by the head-master.

Hogsmeade attractions are:

Hog's Head

A place not very frequented by the students, were only some mysterious people that don't take out their covers or able. A small tavern on the suburbs of the village, which has a smell of goat and is administrated by Aberforth Dumbledore, brother of Albus Dumbledore (famous head-master of Hogwarts, indicated to be the Minister of Magic). Is recommended to all that bring his one cup, because the place isn't one of the cleanest places and Aberforth always cleans everything with the same old and dirty cloth. It was there that Hagrid bought his dragon egg from a "mysterious man" (actually this mysterious man was Quirinus Quirrel) and it was there too that Harry, Rony and Hermione gathered a group of students from all houses (except Slytherin) for the first meeting of the Dumbledore's Army.


Honeydukes is a confectionery of Hogsmeade, very famous and very frequented by the Hogwarts students, won of the biggest of Great Britain. Honeydukes sell all the tipe of candies, including Delicious Gases, Blood Lolipop, Licorice Wands, Mint Dental Floss, Explosive Chocolate, Nougat Tablets. The most famous are Beans of All Flavors and Chocolate Frogs.

Their owners are Ambrousius Flume and his wife, and on the floor of the store's inventory, has a trapdoor that takes to a secret passage that takes to Hogwarts. It was from this passage, that Harry went secretly to Hogsmeade on his 3 year, after getting the Marauder's Map from Fred e George Weasley.

House of Screams

Is considered the scariest house of Great Britain, only a few people have courage to approach to the house or even look from away. The villagers or the people checked in Hogsmeade said frequently that they heard howls, strange noises and sounds coming from the House of Screams, but on these days everybody knows that is only Werewolf Remus Lupin (he already was a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts), that on the times that he was a student, he went evry full moon to the House of Screams, by a passage that exists on the Womping Willow (that was planted especially for this), to transform, to don't put students and employees in danger.

Owl Post

With more than five hundred owls from different sizes, colors, species and speeds, the Owl Post of Hogsmeade is the most wanted by local wizards. Some owls only do deliveries at the place or others can do a big travel, are divided by colors and emergency codes, speed, size, weight of the load...

Three Broomsticks

No doubt, a very famous pub and very frequented by the students, the teachers and the local neighbors!! Administrated by Madam Rosmerta ( which Rony had a crush), is specialized on the famous Butterbeer, but The Three Brooms to the best Aged Mead (oak)! Is possible to stay on the second floor and it's the place of the meetings of Madam Rosmerta, Minerva McGonagall, The Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore and other important persons. It also sells other drinks like Whiskey Fire, Gilly Water, Sparkling Punpkin, Currant Rum...

Coffe Madam Puddifoot

The Coffe Madam Puddifoot is a place, let's say... a little bit female. Everything is a bit pink, with bows, little flowers and this kind of stuff. They serve tea and (obviously) coffe and a few cookes and crackers. It's a big success on Valentine's Day, Madam Puddifoot, the owner, puts cupids that throw confetti on the tables. It was there that occurred the first Valentine's Day of Harry Potter and Cho Chang, that resulted on a big fight.

Dervish and Banges

A shop of magical instruments and other varied articles, like a Remembrall (Neville has one) and a Sneakoscop.

Scribe Feathers

It's a... well, a shop that sells feathers to write, were you'll find the most expensive, the most beatiful and other kind of feathers and ink. Hermione frequents the shop and it was there that she bought here golden and black pheasant feather. There is on the shop window very expensive and beatiful feathers.

Trapobelo Magic Fashion

It's a shop that they sell all the tipes of clothes, incluiding the uniform of Hogwarts and strange socks. This is the shop that Harry, Rony and Hermione bought socks for Dobby. Also has branch offices in the Diagon Alley, in London and Paris.


Zonko's seems to be the shop that the students love, followed by Honeydukes. It is very frequented by Fred and George Weasley and Lee Jordan. It sells the best things of tricks and pranks. Among some of their products are Explosive Snap, Frog Eggs Soap, Hiccups Sweet and Cups that bites the nose. It was closed in 1996, to the sadness of the students.

Train Station

All the years, the students arrive in a big red train, The Hogwarts Express ( know more about him click here here), that arrives at the Train Station of Hogsmeade. The students when they arrive, they are directed to Hogwarts by the boats (students from the 1 year) or by carriages pulled by thestrals (from the 2 year to the 7 year).

Hogsmeade already was mentioned here and the House of Screams too. 

And below there is a photo of Hogsmeade.

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