Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Potters

The Potters, probably the family that is most admired in the hole books of Harry Potter.

The family of Harry Potter is a simple family, a father, a mother and a son. Obviously Harry has uncles, aunts, cousins, a godfather (Sirius Black), a wife (Ginny Weasley), child (Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Sirius James Potter) and other parents, but we are mentioning all of them one to one later.

The Potter has like "members"

James Potter

James Potter is Harry's father and husband of Lily Potter. Has an appearance extremely similar as his son, lie his hair, his glasses, and... Well they have a lot in common... He was born in 27 of March, 1960, he studied in Hogwarts and became a gryffinorian, his best friends were Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Him and his friends (these ones that were mentioned) were considered "marauders", and so they created the Marauders Map. A map that shows Hogwarts as a different way, it shows the people that are walking inside Hogwarts. It's really useful when you're trying to find someone. Unfortunately he died, murdered by Lord Voldemort, in 31 of October, 1981. When he died, he was trying to save his wife, Lily Potter, without success.

Lily Potter
      Lily Potter..... considered by many as "boring", but she's wonderful, beyond that she sacrificed  her self to save Harry's life. Lily Evans is married with James Potter and was born in 30 of January, 1960. A medium-sized woman with incredible beautiful brown hair and green eyes. Lily is the sister of Petunia Dursley, aunt of Harry and in Lily's childhood, had a strong friendship with Severus Snape. Snape feel in love with Lily, but Lily got in love with James Potter and ceased to be friend of Snape, that she called him Sev, she loved him as a brother. Her sister Petunia never liked that Lily knew magic, so she never mentioned the family again. She died in the same day of her husband, 31 of October, 1981, trying to save her son's life.

Harry Potter
 Do I have to explain ho is he? Well, Harry is the protagonist of the collection, his parents, Lily and James, died when he had only one year old. He was redeemed by Rubeus Hagrid in the remains of his old house and taken to his uncle's house, The Dursleys. The members of the Dursleys are: his aunt Petunia, his uncle Vernon Dursley and his cousin Dudley Dursley, that looks more like a pig. He had terrible years in Privet Drive, 4, but when he completed 11 years old, he discovered that he was a wizard and went to Hogwarts, being selected to Gryffindor, with his best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry and his friends never had a calm year in Hogwarts, always with something bad happening in the school, but all the years that they studied in Hogwarts they succeeded. In his first year, he faced Voldemort for his first time and "saved" the philosopher's stone. In the second year, he killed a basilisk with the sword of Godric Gryffindor  and saved Ginny Weasey's life. In his third year, he fought with hundreds of dementors. In his fourth year, he faced and fought with Voldemort again! In his fifth year, he went to fight in the Ministry of Magic thinking that his godfather, Sirius, was being tortured. Actually, he wasn't being tortured, it was just a illusion. He battled against Death Eaters and he lost Sirius Black (do I need to say that he is Harry's godfather). In his sixth year, saw Dumbledore die and he still fought with Death Eaters and still helped putting out the fire on Hagrid's house. In his seventh year, he didn't go to Hogwarts, he was bussy hunting horcruxes with Ron and Hermione, but he did a lot of heroic stuff (as he always does), like diving inside a frozen lake to get a sword or almost getting killed (what a surprise), go personaly till Voldemort (alone), just to die, and moreover, pretending thats dead to kill him later. And it worked, Harry and Voldemort had a epic battle, and Voldemort died (YES, UHUUU!!!), and Harry did that dozens of friends would die. Know more clicking here.

Chear up, Chear up, at least you know better the Potters
: )   

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Malfoys

The Malfoy Family, mean, all Death Eaters, but Draco Malfoy (the person in the left), actually, wasn't so evil, I mean, he was, but less than his parents. He wanted to help Voldemort and the other Death Eaters because, or Draco kills Dumbledore or Voldemort would kill everyone of his family.

They were owners of Dobby, that was very mistreated by the family and he was afraid to say bad things about his masters. He became a free elf in the Chamber of Secrets with a help of Harry Potter. After that Dobby worked as a cook in Hogwarts kitchen, but always with that spirit of a free elf.

Now a little bit of the principal members of the Malfoy family:

Lucius Malfoy

Is one of the Death Eaters, married with Narcissa Malfoy. A tall man, with blond hair, almost white. Born in 9 of September, 1954, with 11 years old (of course) and was selected to Slytherin. His wand is made of elm and inside it has fiber core of dragon heartstring, and on the top of the wand there is a snake (as you can see in the photo). His wand was broken by his master, Lord Voldemort. His father of Draco Malfoy and works in Ministry of Magic, probably in a important position, with the Minister of Magic. Can't bear muggle-borns and blood traitors. He already was arrested and sent to Azkaban, after the battle in the Mysteries Department (Ministry of Magic) against aurors and members of Dumbledore's Army.

Narcissa Malfoy
Narcissa is the Death Eater that I admire most. Born in 1955, she went to Hogwarts (I don't even need to say that she went to Hogwarts with 11 years old, do I?) and was selected to Slytherin. A elegant and stylish woman with blue eyes and blond hair. She is married with Lucius Malfoy, mother of Draco Malfoy and sister of Belatrix Lestrange and Andromedra Tonks so shes aunt of Nymphadora Tonks. She already made an unbreakable vow with Severus Snape and made him promise to protect Draco (her son) the maximum possible in his sixth year in Hogwarts and if Draco fails his mission to kill Dumbledore, Snape would finish it for him. Narcissa battled with Voldemort and the other Death Eaters in the battle of Hogwarts and it was in the Deathly Hallows that she was most important. Narcissa was "chosen" by Voldemort to check if Harry Potter was actually dead, she lied, saying that he was dead, (actually he wasn't) just to save the live of her precious son.

Draco Malfoy

Draco is known as a arrogant boy of Slytherin that hates Harry Potter. Born in 5 of June, 1980, he studied with Harry and his friends in Hogwarts. A boy with blond hair, almost white (just as his father), gray eyes and with pure blood. He was part of the Inquisitorial Squad with other students of Slytherin and, of course, Argus Filch. In his sixth year in Hogwarts he became officially a Death Eater and received a mission to kill the head-master of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. He fixed and used the Sink Cabinet to bring the other Death Eaters inside Hogwarts Castle and kill Dumbledore. Actually, he didn't kill the head-master, maybe because he was scared, the maximum that he did was disarming the enemy and say him a couple of words. Severus Snape finished the mission as promissed. If you would like more information about Draco click here.

This is the Malfoy family, but there are other parents, like Draco's grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy, Narcissa's sisters, Belatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks, Draco son Scorpio Malfoy and Draco's wife Astoria Greengrass.

: )