Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Know everything about:Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort. Murderer of millions of people in the whole world. A man without a heart (and without a nose hahaha : ), the terror of all wizards, the worst person that you can imagine. Tom Riddle, more known as Lord Voldemort, is... well, he is The Dark Lord. Can't bear the muggles, muggle-born and blood-traitors, he is the biggest vilan of the book serie Harry Potter. Tom Riddle was an orphan boy that lived in a orphanage when, in a certain day, Albus Dumbledore visited him. Dumbledore told him that he was a wizard and he also showed him a little bit of magic, but he got surprised when Tom said "I can make people suffer... if I want to...". Anyways Dumbledore invited him to study at Hogwarts, and he was selected to Slytherin by The Sorting Hat. In Hogwarts he had "friends" (which in fact were not good friends) that were called Death Eaters. Was an exemplary student, but Dumbledore never trusted him really much. He asked once to Horace Slughorn what was Horcruxs, and Slughorn, whit no idea what was he doing, answered what they were: when someone kills somebody, the killer can use any object to keep part of his soul, and until the object is destroyed, the killer becomes immortal. When he finished Hogwarts, he went to work on Burgin & Burkes (a shop on the Knockturn Alley, close to the Diagon Alley), what surprised a lot of his professors, because they thought that a boy so intelligent shouldn't be a clerk. Later, he tried to a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts, but Dumbledore didn't accept him. There are rumors that after Dumbledore didn't let him teach, the job became cursed and the following professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts didn't teach for more than a year, passing away. After Severus Snape say to what he heard of the profecy (made by Sibila Trelawney), sayind that Harry Potter and Voldemort should kill each other, the Dark Lord got scared that Harry could kill him, so he made 6 horcruxs. The old "friends", The Death Eaters, turned into his servants.  Voldemort tattooed on the left arm of each Death Eater, The Black Mark. To make an horcrux you need to kill someone, and Voldemort intended to make his seventh horcrux killing Harry. He didn't succeed and after that day, he isolated himself, living like a parasite inside other people's body, for 13 years. After these years, Voldemort returned and started trying to kill Harry Potter and attack muggles, muggle-born and blood-traitors again. With Death Eaters disguised as important persons of the Ministry of Magic, he was getting more and more powerful. Getting closer and closer to control the magic world and the muggle world. He died on the final battle of Hogwarts.


Full Name:  Tom Marvolo Riddle
Birth:  31 of December, 1926
Hair:  Boald, with veins jumping out of his head
Eyes:  Dark Red (after becoming the horrible thing as seen on photo 01)
Blood:  Half-Blood


School:  School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts
House:  Slytherin
Best Subject:  Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject:  Not Known
Graduated in:  Not Known


Friends:  Voldemort never loved anyone, not even his friends, The Death Eaters, who were never real friends
Girlfriends:  Voldemort never loved
Enemies:  Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and all the muggles, muggle-born, blood traitors and everyone that don't venerate him
Wife:  Voldemort never loved and... Bah read above
Pets:  Nagini (snake, who was an horcrux)
Servants:  Death Eaters


Talents:  Parselmouth, great...torturer
Patronus:  Not Known


Below a photo of Tom Riddle, before he knew he was a wizard
And one of Tom Riddle with (more or less) 16 years old
: )

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