Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Weasleys

Ohhhhh, the Weasleys! The most magical and united family of Harry Potter!
On the Weasley family there're only people with red hair, althought they haven't got much money to support their 7 children, they're very lovely and they like to accommodate their guests.
The Weasley family consists in 9 wizards, excepting the husbands and the wifes of the sons, uncles, grandparents and other relatives.
They've alredy traveled to Egypt with the whole family gathered, including th oldenst son, Will, he works at Gringotts Egypt, but there was other trips, like when Mr. and Mrs. Weasley went to Romenia to visit Charlie, the second oldest. Below is the foto that appeared at the Daily Prophet, of the trip of the family to Egypt:

The Weasleys before the end of the last book are:

Arthur Weasley, is a simple worker from the Ministry of Magic, in the Section Misuse of Muggle Artifacts.
He really like Muggles and think that all the Muggle objects are fascinating and he doesn't know how to use most of them He is married with Molly Prewett and he have 7 children with her. His patronus is a Weasel and he has in his house, a owl named Errol and a vampire, that stays in the attic.

Molly Prewett Weasley is the owner of the house, Mom of the big family. Always very strict, but lovely at the same time. She's married with Arthur Weasley and has 7 children with him. Her bogeyman constantly changes to her children dead, her husband dead to Harry Potter dead. She lives with Arthur Weasley in The Burrow.

William Weasley, nicknamed Will, he's the oldest son of the family. He's the president of the wizards bank Gringotts in Egypt and is married with Fleur Isabelle Delacour, he has two children with her, Victorie Appoline Weasley and Dominique Weasley. He has been scratched by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback and because of this unfortunate event, he became more wolfish, eating raw meat etc. Studied in Hogwarts, he went to Griffindor and was Head-Boy.

Charles Weasley, nicknamed Charle, is the second oldest son in the family, just been younger than Will. Studied at Hogwarts like all the others of the family, and also was in Griffindor. Oliver Wood was contantly saying to Harry and to the rest of the Griffindor Quidditch Team that Charles was and excelent cacher and, that if he didn't chose to go to Romenia and study drangons, he could be the cacher of the English Quidditch Team. It was Charles that brought thye dragons to Hogwarts on the 4 year, on the Triwizard Tournament.

Percy Ignatius Weasley, the third oldest son, studied (also) at Hogwarts, and as all the other brothers, went to Griffindor and was a Head-Boy. He take rules very seriously and when Voldemort returns, instead of supporting his family, his friends and Dumbledore, he was in the ministrt side pretending that nothing is happening. Percy greatest desire is to became a rich Ministry of Magic. On the final battle, he turnes to the side of his family and sees hes brothers death. He marries Audrey Weasley and have two children with her, Molly Weasley II and Lucy Weasley.

Frederick and George Weasley, know as Fred and George, they're the most beloved twins of the book serie. They left Hogwarts at 17, before graduating and never came back. Fred was murdered by the Death Eater Alecto Carrow. Click here for more information

Ronald Billius Weasley, names as Rony, he's the second youngest brother in the Weasley family. Studied at Hogwarts and was a Griffinorian, but he left the school before gratuating, on the last year. For more informations click here

Ginevra Molly Weasley, name as Ginny, she's the youngest person in the Weasley family and she's the first girl in the family excluding the mother. She has red hair like the rest of the family, studied at Hogwarts and was a Griffinorian (what a surprise). For more information click here

Here are some fotos of the family:

Arthur e Molly Weasley

Will Weasley

Charles Weasley

Fred e George Weasley

Percy Weasley

Rony Weasley

Ginny Weasley

The rest of the family after the last book:

Fleur Isabelle Delacour
Wife of Will Weasley
Angelina Johnson Weasley
Angelina was in Griffindor and entered in the same year of the twins. Wife of George Weasley.
Audrey Weasley
 Wife of Percy Ignatius Weasley, mother of two children
Hermione Granger Weasley
 Married with Rony Weasley
Victorie Isabelle Weasley
Is the oldest child of Will and Fleur Weasley.
Dominique Weasley
Child of Will and Fleur Weasley, she's the middle sister.
Louis Weasley
The youngest child of Will and Fleur Weasley
Molly Weasley II
Oldest child of Percy and Audrey Weasley, receved this name to a tribute for her grandmother.
Lucy Weasley
Youngest child of Percy and Audrey Weasley
Rose Jane Weasley
She's the first child of Rony and Hermione Weasley.
Hugo Weasley
His the second child of Rony and Hermione Weasley.
James Sirius Potter
First son of Harry and Ginny Potter, receved this name as a tribute to Harry's father and Harry's godfather.
Albus Severo Potter
Second child of Harry and Ginny Potter, receved this snape as a tribute to Snape and Dumbledore.
Lily Luna Potter
Third child of Harry and Ginny Potter, receved this name as a tribute to Harry's mother.
Fred Weasley II
First child of George and Angelina Weasley, receved this name to George's brother.
Roxanne Weasley
Youngest child of George and Angelina Weasley.
: )

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