Sunday, September 18, 2011

Know everything about:Fred and George Weasley

Fred e George Weasley. The funniest twins and most beloved that can exist. Simply. And certainly the two favorite characters of many people (one of this people know what I'm talking about). I'll simplify: they're the funniest people of this world. They're the best friends that anyone could have. They're the terror of any professor. Is this and many other things that make them unique. Unfortunately, was the saddest event I have ever seen, Fred Weasley died. Yes, died. During the final battle at Hogwarts, Alecto Carrow, a Death Eater (follower of Voldemort) killed him right in the hallway. Anyone who has seen the last movie or read the last book, know what I'm talking about, the person thats seeing the scene ends up in tears.


Full Name:  Frederick and George Weasley
Birth:  1 of April, 1977
Hair:  Red
Eyes:  Light Brown
Blood:  Pure


School:  School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts
House:  Gryffindor
Best Subject:  Not known, maybe Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst subject:  Not known
Gratuated in:  Not formed


Best Friends:  Lee Jordan
Friends:  Harry Potter and Hermione Granger
Girlfriends:  Not known
Enemies:  Draco Malfoy, Vicent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Dolores Umbridge, Argus Filch, Lord Voldemort and Death Eaters
Father:  Arthur Weasley
Mother:  Molly Prewett
Brothers:  William Weasley, Carlos Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley
Wife:  The wife of George is Angelina Johnson, and Fred don't have a wife for a very obvious reason


Organizations:  Dumbledore's Army (DA), Order of the Phoenix, they have a shop on the Diagon Alley and Griffindor Quidditch Team
Talent:  Make people laught and smile and make teachers agonize
Patronus:  I don't now the shape, but George never produced a Patronus after the death of Fred, because all the happy memories of his mind where swept away.


Only thinking of Fred and George I laught, and I remember how happy they were.
: )

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