Saturday, September 17, 2011

Know everything about:Severus Snape

Severus Snape. Who's Severus Snape? A Death Eater or a Dumbledore's fan? The truth is: his one of the most courageous and loyal wizards that ever existed, fought for a lost love, Lily, and protected unconditionally her son, Harry Potter.


Full Name:  Severus Prince Snape
Birth:  9 of January, 1960
Hair:  Dark ( and greasy : P )
Eyes:  Dark
Blood:  Half-Blood


School:  School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts
House:  Slytherin
Best Subject:  Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject:  Not known
Graduated In:  Not known


Friends:  Avery and Mulciber
Father:  ????????
Mother:  Helen Prince


Organizations:  Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters
Talent:  Legilimency Infallible
Patronus:  Doe


Well, you just saw a little bit more about Severus Snape
: )

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