Sunday, December 7, 2014

Harry Potter Quiz

Hello everyone, it's been a long time, haven't it? (3 years or so). I was looking at my old notebook the other day and found a Harry Poter quiz I made at that time. Since the Harry Potter fever has already passed for a long time now (even for me), I remade it a little easier. So I thought of posting my creation here. Enjoy!

1- The shortest way to go from Hogsmeade Station to Hogwarts is:

         a)  Through the lake, on boat
         b)  Through the Forbidden Forest, guided by a centaur
         c)  Through the road, by carriage
         d)  By the secret path, through Honeydukes

2- Where did the Death Eaters set up their hideout?

         a)  In the Gaunt's House, where Voldemort grew up
         b) In the Little Hangleton cemitery
         c) In the Malfoy mansion
         d) In the Forbidden Forest

3- Which is the most romantic and perfect place to go in Hogsmeade on Valentine's Day?
         a)  The Three Broomsticks
         b)  Coffe Madam Puddifoot
         c)  Honeydukes
         d)  Zonko's

4-  In which inn would you safely spend the night in?
        a)  Honeydukes
        b)  Hog's Head
        c)  House Of Screams
        d)  Leaky Cauldron

5- Where is located the Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic?
        a)  In France
        b)  In Germany
        c)  In Spain
        d) In Ireland

6-  Where is located the Durmstrang Academy Of Magic?
        a)  In Italy
        b)  In Luxenbourg
        c)  In Serbia
        d)  In Bulgary

7- Where is located the Prison Of Azkaban?
        a)  In a mountain in the south of Ireland
        b)  In an island in the middle of the North Sea
        c)  In an island in the middle of the British Canal
        d)  In a cave that no one knows where is located

8- Which snake species is Nagini? (Voldemorts Snake)
        a)  Python
        b)  Rattler
        c)  Naja
        d)  Anaconda

9- Which is Ron Weasley's full name?
        a)  Ronald Weasley
        b)  Ronald Arthur Weasley
        c)  Ronald Badius Weasley
        d)  Ronald Billius Weasley

10- To enter the Diagonal Alley you must:
        a)  Know how to apparate
        b)  Touch enchanted stones outside the location
        c)  Conjurate the spell "Becus Diagonallis"
        d)  Pass through the painting in the Leaking Cauldron

11- Which is Ravenclaw's animal symbol?
        a)  An african eagle
        b)  A striped-eagle
        c)  A crow
        d)  An american eagle

12- Facing danger, the Order of the Phoenix headquarters was transfered from Lake Grimmauld to:
        a)  The Room Of Hidden Things
        b)  The Ministry Of Magic
        c)  The Burrow
        d)  The Leaky Cauldron

13- In which store does Harry, Hermione and Ron buy socks for Dobby?
        a)  Madam Malkins
        b)  Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
        c)  Twilfitt And Tatting's
        d)  Flourish And Blotts

14-  Where is located the Zonko's Shop?
        a)  In the Ministry Of Magic
        b)  In the Diagon Alley
        c)  London Downtown
        d)  In Hogsmeade

15- Ron and his family travels in the holidays to:
        a)  France, where Fleur lives
        b)  Egypt, where Will Weasley works
        c)  Transylvania, land of the vampires
        d)  Romania, where Charles Weasley was studying dragons

16- In which year was the first Harry Potter book released?
        a)  1996
        b)  2000
        c)  1997
        d)  2001

17- Where is located The Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shop?
        a)  Hogsmeade
        b)  London
        c) Diagon Alley
        d) Knockturn Alley
18- What is the name of the station that the Hogwarts Train leaves?
        a)  Little Hangleton
        b)  Godric's Hollow
        c)  King's Cross
        d)  Private Drive

19- Below where St. Mungos Hospital is located, there is a:
        a)  A shop
        b)  A train station
        c)  A history Museum
        d)  A factory

20-  To not draw attention the Ministry Of Magic stays:
        a)  Invisible
        b)  Underground
        c)  Behind a castle
        d)  In a cave

Answers (only see this if have already completed the quiz):

1-C , 2- C, 3-B , 4- D, 5-A , 6- D, 7- B, 8- A, 9- D, 10-B , 11- D, 12- C, 13- C, 14- D, 15- B, 16- C, 17- C, 18- C, 19- A, 20-B

From 0 to 5 answers:
If you plan to travel to the Harry Potter universe, its best to bring a guide so you don't get lost. Hermione would advise you to pay more attention to books. That way, it'll be easier (and safer!) to venture through the magical aldresses.

From 6 to 13 answers:
You know many magical places, but misses some details. A Remembrall might solve your troubles. But, as there are a lot of magical shops in the muggle world, its better to reread the books and re-do the quiz.

From 14 to 20 answers:
You enjoy unraveling the mysteries of the Harry Potter Saga. You could comfortably travel through the Hogwarts region, visit the witches villages and even the magic academies of other countries.