Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Books of Harry Potter

How you may now, the book serie Harry Potter consists on seven books. But there aren't books of 50 pages or 100 pages. They are books with at least 250 pages and a maximum of 750! If you don't like so much the book serie or if you don't like so much to read, sorry but I think to you keep watching the films instead of reading. Obviously I hope that the Potterians (or Potter Maniacs, you decide) had already read or plan to read.

The books written by JK Rowling, check her official site clicking here.

  The books are:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (England's edition)

Review (synopsis) of the book:
"Harry Potter is a common boy that lives on a closet under the stairs in his uncle's house. His live changes when redeemed by a bunch of owls and his taken to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts. There he discovers everything about the weird death of his parents, learns how to play Quiddditch and faces, on a duel, the cruel Voldemort."

With intelligence and creativity, JK Rowling created a classic of our times (but for me are the best books of all times). A work that combines fantasy and suspense is a original universe attractive to everyone (or at least most).

Original Name: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Country: Great Britain
Genre(s): Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Author: JK Rowling
Released: 2 of July, 1997


1- The Boy Who Lived
2- The Vanishing Glass
3- The Letters From No One
4- The Keeper of the Keys
5- Diagon Alley
6- The Journey From Platform Nine and Three Quarters
7- The Sorting Hat
8- The Potions Master
9- The Midnight Duel
10- Halloween
11- Quidditch
12- The Mirror of Erised
13- Nicholas Flamel
14- Norbert, The Norwegian Ridgeback
15- The Forbidden Forest
16- Through The Trapdoor
17- The Man With Two Faces

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (England's Edition)

Review (synopsis) of the book:
"After boring holidays in the house of his (muggle) uncle's, it's time to Harry return to school. Things happen, however, to difficult the return of Harry. Persistent and cunning, our hero isn't intimidated by obstacles and, with the help of his loyal friends (Ron and Hermione), starts the year on the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hoogwarts. The news aren't short. New students, new professors, a lot of good discoveries and... a big and dangerous challenge. Someone or something threatens the security and the tranquility of the members of Hogwarts. How to definitely eliminate this bad thing and restore the peace on the school?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is full of fantastic adventurous and full of surprises, that will provide to the reader the magical pleasure of reading."

Full Name: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Country: Great Britain
Serie: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Released: 2 of July, 1998


1- The Worst Birthday
2- Dobby's Awarning
3- The Burrow
4- At Flourish and Blots
5- Te Whomping Willow
6- Gilderoy Lockart
7- Mudbloods and Murmurs
8- The Deathday Party
9- The Writing on the Wall
10- The Rogue Bludger
11- The Dueling Club
12- The Polyjuice Potion
13- The Very Secret Diary
14- Cornelius Fudge
15- Aragog
16- The Chamber of Secrets
17- The Heir of Slytherin
18- Dobby's Reward

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (England's edition)
Review (synopsis) of the book:
"Along with Ron and Hermione, his best friends, Harry Potter is in his third year in Hogwarts. The scary guards of the prison of Azkaban were called to guard the entrance of the school, because a famous murderer escaped from Azkaban and everything indicates that his target is the heir of Lily and James Potter. What will happen to Harry facing this attack?

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the reader will be again submerged on the magic world of Hogwarts and participating of adventures full of imagination, humor and emotion, that repeats the enchantment proportionate by the previous books of this fantastic collection of JK Rowling."

Original Name: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Country: Great Britain
Serie: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Author: JK Rowling
Released: 8 of July, 1999


1- Owl Post
2- Aunt Marge's Big Mistake
3- The Night Bus
4- The Leaky Laudron
5- The Dementor
6- Talons and Tea Leaves
7- The Boggard in the Wardrobe
8- Flight of the Fat Lady
9- Grim Defeat
10- The Marauder's Map
11- The Firebolt
12- The Patronus
13- Gryffindor X Ravenclaw
14- Snape's Grudge
15- The Quidditch Final
16- Professor Trelawney's Prediction
17- Cat, Rat and Dog
18- Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
19- The Servant of Lord Voldemort
20- The Dementor's Kiss
21- Hermione's Secret
22- Owl Post Again

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (England's edition)
Review (synopsis) of the book:
"The summer holidays are dragging and Harry Potter can't wait to start the year in Hogwarts. It is his fourth year in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts, and there are spells to be learnt, potions to prepare, the divination's class, among others, to be watched. Harry likes all of this. However, a lot of other astonishing things will happen...

You can't even imagine!!!"

Original Name: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Country: Great Britain
Serie: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Author: JK Rowling
Released: 8 of July, 2000


1- The Riddle's House
2- The Scar
3- The Invitation
4- Back to the Burrow
5- Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes
6- The Portkey
7- Bagman and Crouch
8- The Quidditch World Cup
9- The Dark Mark
10- Mayhem at the Ministry
11- Aboard the Hogwarts Express
12- The Triwizard Tournament
13- Mad-Eye Moody
14- The Unforgivable Curses
15- Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
16- The Goblet of Fire
17- The Four Champions
18- Weighing of the Wands
19- The Hungarian Horntail
20- The First Task
21- The House-Elf Liberation Front
22- The Unexpected Task
23- The Yule Ball
24- Rita Skeeter's Scoop
25- The Egg and the Eye
26- The Second Task
27- Padfoot Returns
28- The Madness of Mr. Crouch
29- The Dream
30- The Pensieve
31- The Third Task
32- Flesh, Blood and Bone
33- The Death Eaters
34- Priori Incantatem
35- Veritaserum
36- The Parting of the Ways
37- The Beggining

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  Review (synopsis) of the book:
"Harry Potter is going to start his fifth year in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts. His desperate to return to school and discover why his best friends, Ron and Hermione, are so mysterious during the holidays. However, what the young wizard is going to discover on this new year in Hogwarts will cause a major upheaval in his world."

Original Name: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Country: Great Britain
Serie: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Author: JK Rowling
Released: 21 of June, 2003


1- Dudley Demented
2- A Peck of Owls
3- The Advance Guard
4- Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
5- The Order of The Phoenix
6- The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
7- The Ministry of Magic
8- The Hearing
9- The Woes of Mrs. Weasley
10- Luna Lovegood
11- The Sorting's Hat New Song
12- Professor Umbridge
13- Detention with Dolores
14- Percy and Padfoot
15- The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
16- In the Hog's Head
17- Educational Decree Number Twenty Four
18- Dumbledore's Army
19- The Lion and the Serpent
20- Hagrid's Tale
21- The Eye of the Snake
22- St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injures
23- Christmas on the Closed Ward
24- Occlumency
25- The Beetle at Bay
26- Seen and Unforeseen
27- The Centaur and the Snake
28- Snape's Worst Memory
29- Career Advice
30- Grawp
31- O.L.M.s
32- Out of the Fire
33- Fight and Flight
34- The Department of Mysteries
35- Beyond the Veil
36- The Only One He Ever Feared
37- The Lost Prophecy
38- The Second War Begins

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
 Review (synopsis) of the book:
"We are in midsummer, but there's a strange fog that compresses the windows. Harry Potter waits, restless, on his room, on his uncle's house, Dumbledore's visit. Never on the other times that he saw the head-master, he treated a duel hand-to-hand with Voldemort. Harry don't understand very well what will be the reason to Dumbledore visit him on his uncle's house. Why couldn't he wait his return to Hogwarts, that is in a couple of weeks? The sixth year of Harry starts with a peculiar way, and the world of the wizards and the muggles, no doubts, appear to intertwine...

JK Rowling presents the adventures of Harry Potter in his sixth year with the ability of always and with a breathtaking rhythm."

Original Name: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Country: Great Britain
Serie: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Author: JK Rowling
Released: 16 of July, 2005


1- The Other Minister
2- Spinner's End
3- Will and Won't
4- Horace Slughorn
5- An Excess of Phlegm
6- Draco's Detour
7- The Slug Club
8- Snape Victorious
9- The Half-Blood Prince
10- The House of Gaunt
11- Hermione's Helping Hand
12- Silver and Opals
13- The Secret Riddle
14- Felix Felicis
15- The Unbreakable Vow
16- A Very Frosty Christmas
17- A Sluggish Memory
18- Birthday Surprises
19- Elf Tails
20- Lord Voldemort's Request
21- The Unknowable Room
22- After the Burial
23- Horcruxes
24- Sectumsempra
25- The Seer Overheard
26- The Cave
27- The Lightning Struck Tower
28- Flight of the Prince
29- The Phoenix Lament
30- The White Tomb

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
 Review (synopsis) of the book:
"Harry is waiting on Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix will come soon to transfer him, safely, from the address of his muggle family, without Voldemort and his followers know. From there, what Harry need to do? How can he finish with success the mission, seemingly impossible, that Dumbledore left to him?

Original Name: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Country: Great Britain
Serie: Harry Potter
Genre(s): Fiction
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Author: JK Rowling
Released: 21 of July, 2007


1- The Dark Lord Ascending
2- In Memorial
3- The Dursleys Departure
4- The Seven Potters
5- Fallen Warrior
6- The Ghoul in Pijamas
7- The Will of Dumbledore
8- The Wedding
9- A Place to Hide
10- Kreacher's Tale
11- The Bribe
12- Magic is Might
13- The Muggle-Born Registration Comitte
14- The Thief
15- The Goblin's Revenge
16- Godric's Hollow
17- Bathilda's Secret
18- The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
19- The Silver Doe
20- Xenophilius Lovegood
21- The Tale of the Three Brothers
22- The Deathly Hallows
23- Malfoy Manor
24- The Wandmaker
25- Shell Cottage
26- Gringotts
27- The Final Hiding Place
28- The Missing Mirror
29- The Lost Diadem
30- The Sacking of Severus Snape
31- The Battle of Hogwarts
32- The Elder Wand
33- The Prince's Tale
34- The Forest Again
35- King's Cross
36- A Flaw in the Plan
EPILOGUE- 19 Years Later

The Tales of Beedle, the Bard

"The Tales of Beedle, the Bard is a book that gathers all the tales written by Beedle, a wizard. The tales are full of magic, adventures, magical events, lived by a lot of characters and objects. Was cited on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione got it from Dumbledore. His most famous tale is The Tale of the Three Brothers, that says about the Deathly Hallows: the Invisibility Coat, The Elder Wand and the Stone of Ressurrection."

Information about the book

Original Name: The Tales of Beedle, the Bard
Country: Great Britain
Author: JK Rowling
Released: 2008

Tales of the Book:

1- The Wizard and the Hopping Pot
2- The Fountain of Fair Fortune
3- The Warlock's Hairy Heart
4- Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump
5- The tale of the Three Brothers

Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them

"Fantastic Beasts & Where o Find Them is a small book, that belongs to Harry (as you can see on the photo it is written "Property of Harry Potter") and it has some annotations from him and Ron (he also used the book the book because his book fell apart). It's cited on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on Hogwarts list of books, the book is about animals and creatures all over the magic world of Harry Potter. Among them are: Acromantulas, thestrals, gnomes, goblins, dragons, unicorns, werewolves, centaurs, among others. The animals are evaluated by danger by the Ministry of Magic."

Information about the book

Original Name: Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them
Country: Great Britain
Author: JK Rowling by the pseudonym of Newt Scamander
Released: 2001

Quidditch Through The Ages
 "Quidditch Through The Ages is a book that tells all the story of the most famous game and adored on the magic world: Quidditch!!! Quidditch is a sport were 7 players of each team get on there broomsticks and try to score more points than the opponent, is common to exist championships in schools (like Hogwarts) and exists the famous Quidditch World Cup (appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)! Is a really interesting book to read only once."

Information About the Book

Original Name: Quidditch Through The Ages
Country: Great Britain
Author: JK Rowling by the pseudonym of Kennilworthy Whisp
Released: 2001


- About the Author
- Introduction
1- The Evolution of the Flying Broomstick
2- Ancient Broom Games
3- The Game from Queerditch Marsh
4- The Arrival of the Golden Snich
5- Anti-Muggle Precaution
6- Changes in Quidditch Since the Fourteenth Century
7- Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland
8- The Spread of Quidditch Worldwide
9- The Development of the Racing Broom
10- Quidditch Today

Now you know well the books of Harry Potter, did you already read some?

If yes, put your opinion! If no, run to the book shop and don't lose this opportunity!!!
: ) 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Know everything about:Harry Potter

Harry Potter. The boy who survived a death curse (Avada Kedavra). When we hear this name, we laugh, we cry, we are moved and others think about everything he has done. Harry Potter. The one who changed our livesand will be forever in our memory.
Below, Harry Potter's page.


Full Name:  Harry James Potter
Birth:  31 of July, 1980
Hair:  Dark
Eyes:  Green, like his mother
Blood:  Half-Blood


School:  School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts
House:  Gryffindor
Best Subject:  Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject:  Divination
Graduated in:  Not Known


Best Friends:  Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
Friends:  Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Deamus Thomas and Seamus Finnigan
Girlfriends:  Cho Chang
Enemies:  Draco Malfoy, Vicent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Lord Voldemort and Death Eaters
Father:  James Potter
Mother:  Lily Evans Potter
Wife:  Ginny Weasley
Children:  James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter
Godfather:  Sirius Black
Pet:  Edwiges (owl)
Servant:  Kreacher (domestic elf)


Organizations:  Dumbledore's Army (DA), Order of the Phoenix, B.S.W.H. / F.S.R.H., Gryffindor Quidditch Team and Slug Club
Favorite Professors:  Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody and Severus Snape (after the last book)
Talents:  Parselmouth (speaks snake language), Excellent Quidditch Seeker and a very good friend
Patronus:  Deer


Now you known a little bit more about Harry Potter.
: )

Know everything about:Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort. Murderer of millions of people in the whole world. A man without a heart (and without a nose hahaha : ), the terror of all wizards, the worst person that you can imagine. Tom Riddle, more known as Lord Voldemort, is... well, he is The Dark Lord. Can't bear the muggles, muggle-born and blood-traitors, he is the biggest vilan of the book serie Harry Potter. Tom Riddle was an orphan boy that lived in a orphanage when, in a certain day, Albus Dumbledore visited him. Dumbledore told him that he was a wizard and he also showed him a little bit of magic, but he got surprised when Tom said "I can make people suffer... if I want to...". Anyways Dumbledore invited him to study at Hogwarts, and he was selected to Slytherin by The Sorting Hat. In Hogwarts he had "friends" (which in fact were not good friends) that were called Death Eaters. Was an exemplary student, but Dumbledore never trusted him really much. He asked once to Horace Slughorn what was Horcruxs, and Slughorn, whit no idea what was he doing, answered what they were: when someone kills somebody, the killer can use any object to keep part of his soul, and until the object is destroyed, the killer becomes immortal. When he finished Hogwarts, he went to work on Burgin & Burkes (a shop on the Knockturn Alley, close to the Diagon Alley), what surprised a lot of his professors, because they thought that a boy so intelligent shouldn't be a clerk. Later, he tried to a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts, but Dumbledore didn't accept him. There are rumors that after Dumbledore didn't let him teach, the job became cursed and the following professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts didn't teach for more than a year, passing away. After Severus Snape say to what he heard of the profecy (made by Sibila Trelawney), sayind that Harry Potter and Voldemort should kill each other, the Dark Lord got scared that Harry could kill him, so he made 6 horcruxs. The old "friends", The Death Eaters, turned into his servants.  Voldemort tattooed on the left arm of each Death Eater, The Black Mark. To make an horcrux you need to kill someone, and Voldemort intended to make his seventh horcrux killing Harry. He didn't succeed and after that day, he isolated himself, living like a parasite inside other people's body, for 13 years. After these years, Voldemort returned and started trying to kill Harry Potter and attack muggles, muggle-born and blood-traitors again. With Death Eaters disguised as important persons of the Ministry of Magic, he was getting more and more powerful. Getting closer and closer to control the magic world and the muggle world. He died on the final battle of Hogwarts.


Full Name:  Tom Marvolo Riddle
Birth:  31 of December, 1926
Hair:  Boald, with veins jumping out of his head
Eyes:  Dark Red (after becoming the horrible thing as seen on photo 01)
Blood:  Half-Blood


School:  School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts
House:  Slytherin
Best Subject:  Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject:  Not Known
Graduated in:  Not Known


Friends:  Voldemort never loved anyone, not even his friends, The Death Eaters, who were never real friends
Girlfriends:  Voldemort never loved
Enemies:  Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and all the muggles, muggle-born, blood traitors and everyone that don't venerate him
Wife:  Voldemort never loved and... Bah read above
Pets:  Nagini (snake, who was an horcrux)
Servants:  Death Eaters


Talents:  Parselmouth, great...torturer
Patronus:  Not Known


Below a photo of Tom Riddle, before he knew he was a wizard
And one of Tom Riddle with (more or less) 16 years old
: )

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Know everything about:Albus Dumbledore

Who never heard about the famous Albus Dumbledore? The wise bearded old man... No? Albus Dumbledore is the most famous head-master of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts, known by his intelligence, his patience, his kindness, his sagacity, and, mainly, his love. Beyond his capacity of seeing the best of the people! He was created in Godric's Hollow, the same place that Lílian and Tiago Potter ( Harry's parents) lived and died. He had a big friendship with Grindelwald on his childhood and his adolescence. Rita Skeeter (famous jornalist) wrote a book about him, named Life and lies of Albus Dumbledore, that actually, can be quite interesting, but it isn't very real. He was murdered on the 6 year of Harry, by Severus Snape. Many think that Snape is a bad guy because of this, but it was the own Dumbledore that told him to kill him. He already was indicated some times to be the Minister of Magic, but he refused all of them.


Full name:  Albus Percival Wulfrico Brian Dumbledore
Birth:  21 of August, 1881
Hair:  White and long, like the beard
Eyes:  Light Blue
Blood:  Pure


School:  School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts
House:  Gryffindor
Best Subject:  Transfiguration and Spells
Worst Subject:  Not Known
Graduated in:  Not known


Best Friends:  Eliphas Doge, Batilda Bagshot, Gerard Grindelwald
Friends:  Griselda Marchbanks and Nicolau Flamel
Girlfriend:  I'm sorry to say this, but his gay
Dad:  Percival Dumbledore
Mother:  Kendra Dumbledore
Brothers:  Ariana Dumbledore and Aberforth Dumbledore (know more about them here)


Organizations: Order of the Phoenix
Talent: Legilimency and see the person's inner beauty, even if it's well hidden
Patronus: Phoenix
Pet: Fawkes, a phoenix


Know you know a little bit more about Albus Dumbledore!

Below a photo of the book Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.

More informations about: Hogsmeade

Who never dreamed in visit Hogsmeade? Who never dreamed in stay on the snow while talking to your wizard friends in Hogsmeade? Who never dreamed in check in in a hotel and buy things in Hogsmeade?

Hogsmeade is a village of only wizards that stays next to Hogwarts, were there are a lot of places to eat, to buy presents, candies, achievements, schoolar materials, clothes and other things.  

The students of Hogwarts from the 3th year to the 7th year you have permission to go to the village from time to time ( currently some days before commemorative partys, special dates and holidays) that are determined by the teachers and by the head-master.

Hogsmeade attractions are:

Hog's Head

A place not very frequented by the students, were only some mysterious people that don't take out their covers or able. A small tavern on the suburbs of the village, which has a smell of goat and is administrated by Aberforth Dumbledore, brother of Albus Dumbledore (famous head-master of Hogwarts, indicated to be the Minister of Magic). Is recommended to all that bring his one cup, because the place isn't one of the cleanest places and Aberforth always cleans everything with the same old and dirty cloth. It was there that Hagrid bought his dragon egg from a "mysterious man" (actually this mysterious man was Quirinus Quirrel) and it was there too that Harry, Rony and Hermione gathered a group of students from all houses (except Slytherin) for the first meeting of the Dumbledore's Army.


Honeydukes is a confectionery of Hogsmeade, very famous and very frequented by the Hogwarts students, won of the biggest of Great Britain. Honeydukes sell all the tipe of candies, including Delicious Gases, Blood Lolipop, Licorice Wands, Mint Dental Floss, Explosive Chocolate, Nougat Tablets. The most famous are Beans of All Flavors and Chocolate Frogs.

Their owners are Ambrousius Flume and his wife, and on the floor of the store's inventory, has a trapdoor that takes to a secret passage that takes to Hogwarts. It was from this passage, that Harry went secretly to Hogsmeade on his 3 year, after getting the Marauder's Map from Fred e George Weasley.

House of Screams

Is considered the scariest house of Great Britain, only a few people have courage to approach to the house or even look from away. The villagers or the people checked in Hogsmeade said frequently that they heard howls, strange noises and sounds coming from the House of Screams, but on these days everybody knows that is only Werewolf Remus Lupin (he already was a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts), that on the times that he was a student, he went evry full moon to the House of Screams, by a passage that exists on the Womping Willow (that was planted especially for this), to transform, to don't put students and employees in danger.

Owl Post

With more than five hundred owls from different sizes, colors, species and speeds, the Owl Post of Hogsmeade is the most wanted by local wizards. Some owls only do deliveries at the place or others can do a big travel, are divided by colors and emergency codes, speed, size, weight of the load...

Three Broomsticks

No doubt, a very famous pub and very frequented by the students, the teachers and the local neighbors!! Administrated by Madam Rosmerta ( which Rony had a crush), is specialized on the famous Butterbeer, but The Three Brooms to the best Aged Mead (oak)! Is possible to stay on the second floor and it's the place of the meetings of Madam Rosmerta, Minerva McGonagall, The Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore and other important persons. It also sells other drinks like Whiskey Fire, Gilly Water, Sparkling Punpkin, Currant Rum...

Coffe Madam Puddifoot

The Coffe Madam Puddifoot is a place, let's say... a little bit female. Everything is a bit pink, with bows, little flowers and this kind of stuff. They serve tea and (obviously) coffe and a few cookes and crackers. It's a big success on Valentine's Day, Madam Puddifoot, the owner, puts cupids that throw confetti on the tables. It was there that occurred the first Valentine's Day of Harry Potter and Cho Chang, that resulted on a big fight.

Dervish and Banges

A shop of magical instruments and other varied articles, like a Remembrall (Neville has one) and a Sneakoscop.

Scribe Feathers

It's a... well, a shop that sells feathers to write, were you'll find the most expensive, the most beatiful and other kind of feathers and ink. Hermione frequents the shop and it was there that she bought here golden and black pheasant feather. There is on the shop window very expensive and beatiful feathers.

Trapobelo Magic Fashion

It's a shop that they sell all the tipes of clothes, incluiding the uniform of Hogwarts and strange socks. This is the shop that Harry, Rony and Hermione bought socks for Dobby. Also has branch offices in the Diagon Alley, in London and Paris.


Zonko's seems to be the shop that the students love, followed by Honeydukes. It is very frequented by Fred and George Weasley and Lee Jordan. It sells the best things of tricks and pranks. Among some of their products are Explosive Snap, Frog Eggs Soap, Hiccups Sweet and Cups that bites the nose. It was closed in 1996, to the sadness of the students.

Train Station

All the years, the students arrive in a big red train, The Hogwarts Express ( know more about him click here here), that arrives at the Train Station of Hogsmeade. The students when they arrive, they are directed to Hogwarts by the boats (students from the 1 year) or by carriages pulled by thestrals (from the 2 year to the 7 year).

Hogsmeade already was mentioned here and the House of Screams too. 

And below there is a photo of Hogsmeade.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts

Hogwarts. The best school of magic in the world, the safest place in the world, the best place in the world! The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts was founded two thousand years ago by the four best wizards of that age, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw. The school was built with the objective to educate young wizards of 11 to 17 years. Four houses were invented, in which students were divided. The houses are:


The Gryffindor house is the house of Godric Gryffindor. The house of the most courageous and brave students, the colors of the house are red and gold and the symbol animal is a lion. They won the House Cup on the first year of Harry Potter. The head-master of  the house is Minerva McGonagall. Outstanding students: Harry Potter, The Weasleys, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Oliver Wood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Albus Dumbledore, James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin e Rubeus Hagrid.


Slytherin is the house of Salazar Slytherin, is the house were only the students that are proud of being wizards, the shrewd and the students that want a lot of power stay. The colors of the house are green and silver and the symbol animal is a snake (Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth, he could speak to snakes). The head-master of the house is Severus Snape. Outstanding students: Draco Malfoy, Vicent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Tom Ridle, Severus Snape, Pansy Parkison, Blazier Zabini, Montague, Marcus Flint e Lucius Malfoy.


Ravenclaw is the house of Rowena Ravenclaw, were the intelligent students stay. To enter to the Communal Hall you need to answer a question made by the door handle. The colors of the house are blue and brass (on the films the brass turns silver), the symbol animal is a eagle and the head-master is Flitwick. Outstanding students: Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe, Miguel Corner, Roger Daves, Padma Patil, Lisa Turbin e Terence Boot.


Hufflepuff is the house of Helga Hufflepuff, were the workers, patients, fair and loyal students stay. The colors of the house are yellow and brass, the symbol animal is a ferret and the head-master is the teacher of Herbology, Pomona Sprout. To enter to the Communal Hall you need to tickle a pear on a painting. Outstanding students: Cedric Diggory, Susan Bones, Ana Abbot, Ernest Macmillian, Zachary Smith e Justin Finch-Fletchey

The students are selected to this houses by a old hat, called the Sorting Hat. On the first day of school, each students puts, in front of the whole school, the Sorting Hat, that enter your head and sees your qualities and says really loud which house the house will stay.

The anthem of Hogwarts is:

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgotten,
Just do your best,
We'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot."

The obligatory subjects in Hogwarts are:
~Defense Against the Dark Arts
~History of Magic
The optional subjects in Hogwarts are:
~Ancient Runes
~Study of the Muggles
~ Care of Magical Creatures

Teachers of Hogwarts:

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Quirinus Quirrel, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, Dolores Umbrigde, Severus Snape e Amico Carrow
Spells: Flitwick
Transfiguration: Minerva McGonagall
Potions: Severus Snape e Horace Slughorn
Herbology: Pomona Sprout
Flight: Rolanda Hooch
History of Magic: Prof Bins
Astronomy: Aurora Sinister
Divination: Sibila Trelawney, Firenze
Ancient Runes: Bathsheda Babbling
Aritmancy: Septima Vector
Study of the Muggles: Charity Burbage, Alecto Carrow
Care of Magical Creatures: Rubeus Hagrid e Guilhermina Grubbly-Plank

Observation: Some teachers died, were fired or had another unexpected thing and don't continue teaching Hogwarts. The list isn't totally actualized, is with the teachers of the time of Harry, Rony and Hermione. Some of the list all ready went and others  need to be add.

Caretaker: Argus Filch
Nurse: Papoula Pomfrey
Guardian of the fields and the keys: Rubeus Hagrid
Librarian: Madame Pince


Head-Masters of Hogwarts:

~Albus Dumbledore
~Dolores Umbrigde
~Minerva McGonagall
~Severus Snape
~Neville Longbottom (actual)


Some of the books that the students  of Hogwarts need to read:

History of Magic of Batilda Bagshot
Guide of Domestic Pests of Gilderoy Lockhart
How to Master an Ominous Spirit of Gilderoy Lockhart
How to Have Fun with Vampires of Gilderoy Lockhart
Vacations with evil witches of Gilderoy Lockhart
Travels with Trolls of Gilderoy Lockhart
Excursions with Vampires of Gilderoy Lockhart
Rides with Werewolfes of Gilderoy Lockhart
A Year with the Yeti of Gilderoy Lockhart 
Teory of Magic of Adalbert Waffling
Transfiguration for begginers and mid-course of Emerico Switch
One Thousand Herbs and Magical Fungi of Filida Spore
Magical Drinks and Potions of Arsene Jigger
Fantastic Animals and were they Live of Newt Scamander
The Dark Arts: A Guide of Self-Protection of Quintino Trimble
Hogwarts: A Story of Giovanni Ralissi
Clarifyng the Future of Cassandra Vablastsky
Pragues and Counterpragues of Vindicto Viridiano
Standart Book of Spells (1 to 7 grade) of Miranda Goshawk
Guide of Transfiguration for Begginers of Emerico Switch
Quidditch Through the Centuries of Kennilworthy Whisp


There are tests in Hogwarts every year, and they are really, really, really important. The students study one month before the test, but some students (like Hermione) that study ten weeks before the test. But there are test more important, like the the O.L.M. (Ordinary Levels of Magic), that happens at the 5th year. There are the I.E.L.M. (Incredibly Exhausting Levels of Magic), that happens on the 7th year. The grades that you can have on the O.L.M. and the I.E.L.M. are:

Passing Grades:

E.E.--Exceeds Expectations

Disapproval Grades:



The motto of Hogwarts is "Never tickle a sleeping dragon"


The first day of school year in Hogwarts is at 1 of September, the students go to the King's Cross Station, and, pass through a wall that exists between the platforms 9 and 10. Passing through the wall, you'll be in the platform 9 3/4 and at your front you will find the Hogwarts Express.

The Hogwarts Express is a big red train, that, every year, day 1 of September, at 11 am, takes the students from all the years and all the houses to Hogwarts. On the Hogwarts Express (usually) there are only two adults on board, the engineer and the woman that sells candies (excluding that some times there are teachers on board. There is a special cab, on the back of the train, for the monitors of all the houses.


Each house has two monitors, a boy and a girl, that can be selected after the 4th year. There is also the head-monitor, that can be selected after the 6th year. Rony and Hermione, on their 5th year, they were selected to be monitors of Gryffindor. Draco Malfoy was selected too, to be monitor of Slytherin.


Each house has a Communal Hall, were the students can talk to each other, study, play Exploding Snap... The Communal Hall has two stairs that takes to the boy and the girls sleeping room. The Communal Hall of Gryffindor is behind the painting of the Fat Women, the one from Hufflepuff is behind the painting of the dead nature, next to the kitchen. The Communal Hall of Slytherin is on the dungeons and the one from Ravenclaw is next to the Astronomy Tower.

Each house has a ghost, that stays next to their tables at the Main Hall on the meals and they stay at their Communal Halls too. The one from Gryffindor is Sir Nicholas, more known as Nick-Almost-Without-Head, he was semi headless and now his head is suspended by a few inches of skin that wasn't cut.
The ghost from Ravenclaw is Helena Ravenclaw, more known as Grey Lady. She is the doter of Rowena Ravenclaw and helps Harry to find one of the last Horcruxes of Voldemort, The Diadem of Ravenclaw. Actually, on the first part she didn't wan't to help (this explains she's anger on the photo), but later Harry convinced her.
The ghost from Hufflepuff is Chubby Frei, a fat priest, I don't know much things about him...
The one from Slytherin is the Bloody Baron, he lives full of silver blood and his the only one that can scary Prank, the poltergeist of the school.

Hogwarts has a ghost that haunts a toilet at the woman's bathroom, were is the Secret Chamber, her name is Moaning Myrtle. She lives crying and complaining of everything and she's always buzzed by the students. Because of her, the bathroom isn't really frequented by the students. On the day that she died, she was crying on the bathroom and she looked directly on the eyes of the basilisk.


The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts already hosted the Triwizard Tournament, a competition were one student of one of the three participation school is selected by the Goblet of Fire to participate of the tournament.
The Triwizard Tournament happens each 1000 years, gathering the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts, The Academy of Magic Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. The Triwizard Tournament consists in three dangerous tasks and complicated, made to test the participants. The price of who gets the Triwizard Cup is of one thousand galleons.
 On the year of The Triwizard Tournament in Hogwarts, for some thing, there were selected four students, instead of three for the Tournament. The students are:

Fleur Delacour, the french half-veela from Beauxbatons
Vitor Krum, a famous bulgarian player of quidditch from Durmstrang
Cedric Diggory, hansome guy from Hufflepuff, Hogwarts bonitão da Lufa-Lufa, Hogwart
And Harry Potter, a famous gryffinorian of Hogwarts
Cedric died on the last task and Harry won the Tournament, but he gave his price to Fred and George Weasley, to they open their shop.

Well, now you now more about Hogwarts!
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